Savings News

Two Ways for Seniors to Save Money

Expand on Your Senior Discounts with Benefit Programs

Using your senior discounts as often as possible is a great way to save money. The number of retailers and organizations that offer discounts for seniors is constantly expanding. This is terrific for those on fixed incomes and those that want to reduce their expenses. The National Council on Aging is a perfect resource for expanding your existing benefits to save on medical expenses and food costs.

Saving on Medical Expenses

One of the most expensive aspects of healthcare is the cost of prescription medicines. The good news is that Medicare offers assistance for those individuals who are on a limited income. They have special programs in place that can significantly reduce your prescription costs if you meet their guidelines.

Medicare also provides plans that can potentially reduce your monthly premiums, your deductibles, and out of pocket costs. It’s worth your time to fill out the application and find out exactly how much assistance Medicare can provide for your specific circumstance.

Assistance with Paying for Food

Food costs are an expense that simply can’t be ignored. Seniors that are on a limited budget find it challenging to purchase healthy foods that are easy to prepare. Each state has its own nutritional and food assistance program to help those in need. These benefits usually fall under the SNAP or Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program.

While the names of food and nutrition programs vary from state to state, each falls under SNAP and are designed to help individuals and families maintain good health through nutrition. By searching through all of the programs listed on the National Council for Aging site, you can also find additional government programs that can help make it easier to pay for your food items.

With just a little research, you can find many programs out there to help you reduce expenses and save money. Not only does this help you stretch your dollar but it also helps to maximize the benefits you already receive with your senior discount.