Savings News

Using Your Senior Discount and Other Ways to Save Money on House Repairs

It’s the American dream to own a home. Regardless of its age, your home will need something repaired or maintained sooner or later. Since most senior citizens are on a budget, it’s important to find ways to save money on making those repairs. The best way you can save money is to start by asking for a senior discount. In this article, you will find a few proven ways to save money and prevent problems from becoming more expensive down the road.

Home Repair Advice for Seniors

Preventative Household Maintenance

By keeping an eye out for any problems and doing regular maintenance on your home, you can reduce the need for repairs in the future. While you can’t prevent every problem, you can help to prevent major repairs from occurring. Do monthly maintenance checks on your home by: cleaning gutters, replacing air conditioning and furnace filters, looking for leaks around plumbing fixtures, and clearing brush and dead shrubs away from your home. If your home is located in an area with extreme temperatures, you will also want to perform checks according to those conditions.

Do-It-Yourself Household Repairs

If you have the skills to make minor repairs, you can probably save a lot of money by doing them yourself. Not only will you save on labor costs but you can buy any parts you need for less since their price won’t be marked up by a repair man. If you’re doing more extensive work, make sure the time required to perform the repairs won’t overwhelm you or effect your quality of living.

Hire an Expert to Do Repairs for You

If the repairs required are extensive or you don’t have the expertise to do them yourself, you will likely want to hire an expert to do the work for you. If you don’t know someone who is qualified to make the repairs, you can ask someone you trust for a referral, check your local chamber of commerce, or search online. Make sure to ask the provider if they can provide you with a senior discount. Regardless of who you hire, check their references, validate that they have a business license, and that they have an insurance policy in place to avoid scams and protect your property.